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The Search for Answers

My name is Sarrah, 29 years old, and I've always had painful cycles, but it wasn't until 2016, that it started to become unbearable. My cycle would leave me doubled-over, crying in pain, throwing up, awful back pain with blinding migraines. Of course, I see a doctor, and nothings wrong. 2017 rolls around and a whole new set of symptoms begin in addition to the old ones. I start having horrible joint pain and pain through my whole body, like painful electric impulses. It hurts to walk on my feet and my fingers hurt to grab anything. Clothing even hurts to touch me. Ive been getting depressed during my cycle, which is also new. Now, its 2019, and I have all of those symptoms PLUS the past 3 months have been horrendous. I've been in the hospital for awful abdominal pain, past a 10. I've began having abnormal heavy period about 2 months ago, and this month I skipped it entirely and I've been so tired and my abdomen and back and body have hurt so much this month. I'm at my wits end. I've had sonograms and ultrasounds and "nothing is wrong with me " according to doctors I just have "painful periods". I can't live like this, tylenol and ibuprofen don't even phase it anymore. I don't know much about endometriosis, but I'm hoping I can find help here ❤ thank you all

  1. Thank you so much for your help, I have mentioned checking for endometriosis, but I can't get a doctor to take me seriously or listen. I've asked for them to check my hormones and for endometriosis, but I always day "I'm too young for that"... which is complete garbage. But no one will take me seriously. Any tips on getting help? I'm to the point of giving up. I've been to dr after dr and er visit after er. And has any natural alternatives helped?

    1. Hello , echoing what Anna said, Nancy’s Nook on Facebook could help you locate a supportive doctor or specialist close to you. Sadly, what you describe is something we have all gone through. It took me years to get my diagnosis. One thing that helps is a symptom diary, so write down everything you feel, every discomfort, how long it lasts and when it happens. Doctors tend to react well to that degree of detailed information.

      Another thing is to remember that the only way to determine with 100% certainty that you have endometriosis is via a laparoscopy. Most imaging tests and scans won’t be able to show adhesions that occur at a deeper level or are hidden behind organs.

      I hope this all helps. Please reach out of you need to – Jessie (team member)

  2. - just wanted to chime in! I definitely agree with Anna and Jessie- check Nancy's Nook on FB! That is where I found my endometriosis specialist and it was a life changer for sure.

    Your story sounds JUST like mine. It all started years ago and many doctors trips later, they found nothing. 2016, I started those same exact symptoms as you and that was when I knew something was just not right. I finally received my diagnosis in 2017 and it all started to make so much more sense. Images, tests and all those things never showed what was going on though. It took surgery, in order to receive a proper diagnosis. I am so sorry you are still dealing with all this pain and frustration. Definitely seek out an endometriosis specialist if at all possible.

    Hoping you find relief and answers soon. Please know, we are here if you need us <3 -Kimberli (Team Member)

    1. Hi there . Just wanted to stop by and see how you have been doing. Hoping you have been able to find some relief and answers. Hugs! -Kimberli (team member)

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