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The Aftermath of Endometriosis

Hello All,

Just looking for a safe space to discuss my endo journey. I have stage 4 endometriosis that I've struggled with for many years. It stripped me of my strength in 3omanhood, my ability to feel sexy, confident and all thing that just represent that of being one of the fairer sex. After major surgeries, one which included bowel resectioning, I STILL feel less than as a woman. I lack self confidence in my relationship, struggle with intimacy with my mate. Everyone continuously tells me that I have a "new lease on life" and that I should be swinging off the chandelier in happiness, in my sex life, in life all together. But I still feel like the girl with endo and very alone as no one else is able to relate. Is there anyone else who just can't seem to bounce back AFTER successful surgeries????

  1. Oh goodness Chrissy, my heart is absolutely going out to you with all of this. You are NOT alone at all in feeling that way, believe me. There are so many people in this community that have expressed feeling that same exact way. We hear you and we get you. A few of our advocates actually wrote several articles about these exact feelings you mentioned. I am going to link them here if you'd like to take a look at them, no pressure at all of course:

    I also want to end with this Chrissy... It's completely normal to not bounce back right away after surgery. You just had to deal with a lot of things happening and need time to digest and deal with it all and that length of time is different for everyone. Endometriosis is so much more than just a physical condition. It's also extremely emotional and deeply personal. It affects life in every possible way. If you had been or are in pain, it's hard to relax mentally to "get in the mood" when in the back of your mind you might be thinking "Is this going to hurt? It might hurt. It's probably going to hurt." Next thing you know, you're tensed up and not enjoying anything at all. Then it turns into a spiral of "am I not satisfying my partner. What are they thinking?" At least, that's the case for me whenever I experience pain. Then I totally get in my head about it all. It can be really hard to express and convey how you're feeling as well, which we all know is important to do in a relationship but I feel like, for me, easier said than done sometimes. Tangent aside, I'm just trying to say that we totally get it Chrissy and we hear and understand where you are right now. Have you thought about trying to find a therapist to talk to? I find it's really helpful to talk to someone. Sometimes it's nice to vent, have them validate your feelings, and give you tools to be able to express to your partner the things you might not be able to find words for. Please know that we're here for you if you ever need to vent or need some extra love and support. Thinking of you dear, Chrissy. πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’› Kayleigh, team

    1. Hello there! Thank you so much for your reply! My apologies for the delayed text. I've had some not so good days since my initial post. Oh how your words have soothed me as I read them over and over again. I do not wish this experience or road traveled on ANYONE but I am so glad to be heard, understood and not so COMPLETELY ALONE. I THANK YOU FOR THR TIME YOU PUT INTO speaking words that have given me purpose to continue to try to piece myself back together. I now have a home outside of this now foreign body and mind. 😀 I will read every article provided!!!!! I hope that your journey is now on the more pleasant and peaceful side. I hope that in support from this platform I'll one day be able to release myself from the demons I wrestle with as a result of endo! 😀

    2. Hey hey!!! It's so nice to hear from you, Chrissy! 😊 Man, I'm so sorry to hear you have had some not-so-good days since your last post. That's must be such a bummer. If you ever want to vent or chat about it, we're here for you. You are absolutely seen, heard, understood, and supported here in this community. We got you! I am going to be thinking of you this afternoon and sending so much love and light your way. Just know that there is someone here who is thinking of you and wishing you a low pain day and a lot of love and happiness. πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’› Kayleigh, team

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