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Symptoms after c section

Hi so I have always suffered terrible periods since I started at the age of 11. Period pain has been extreme feeling sick, fatigue always before and when I’m on. Leg ache and back pain palpitations chest pain. Having the runs when on periods. Anyways I always been on and off birth control as I got told I had pcos a few years ago this never got followed up. And I never saw anyone they noticed I had some cysts on the ovaries and that my lining of the womb was thick. I was Just thrown birth control for this and why this did help in some ways . I would always have bad flares up of period pain in between periods or heavy periods. Lucky I did manage to have two children without any trouble falling pregnant. However since having my last child that ended up in c section. My periods have become terrible again heavy clots extreme pain where I am bed ridden for days. Lower back pain and leg ache. Fatigue. Flooding through clothes. I went to my gp who prescribed the min pill now don’t get my wrong this has stopped the bleeding and I haven’t had a period since on it. But I Continue to get extreme period pains still and fatigue. I get lower back pain and leg. I get sent for ultrasound in December however that was clear but the symptoms continue. Sex has also become painful and uncomfortable. I just at a lost I have been referred to a gyno but god knows how long that will be. I just don’t know how to manage the symptoms in the meantime. When I was pregnant I didn’t have any pain what so ever. But it’s like my symptoms have came back worst. I also noticed my lymph nodes seem swollen in my neck. All blood test are pretty normal.

  1. -So sorry to hear you are struggling with all of this. I never had a c-section before but I do still understand these pains you are talking about. I have pains in all the same places, especially around my period. Painful sex as well. Was also diagnosed with PCOS. They have tried to throw birth control my way many times, but for me, it just makes me feel 20x's worse 🙁 I know I am not a doctor so I can't tell you what is exactly going on or what you should most definitely do, but I thought I would share a few tidbits with you on what I have learned/and do.

    1-a lot of that pain and discomfort could either be from endometriosis or adhesions. Adhesions hurt so badly, I just had some removed 3 weeks ago, along with some endo.
    2- a lot of times neither show up on scans. All of my scans are always clean.
    3- blood work never really comes back with anything either!
    4-when I had heavy bleeding and clotting, I found out I had fibroids and polyps. Once I got those removed, it helped a lot.
    5-to manage my pcos- really it has been diet change that seems to be more helpful for me than the pill.
    6-regardless of all of that, I do still have pain inflammation- here is how I best manage it- diet change in general, light walking daily, my TENS unit, heat pad and ice pack, pelvic floor therapy.

    I know you said it may be a long time to get a GYN apt. Have you looked into an endometriosis specialist? Not sure if you are part of this group or not, but Nancy's Nook on FB, has a list of some specialists who are good. You can even search in the chat for any experiences people have posted with them. And you can search for specialists in your specific area or surrounding area. Here's the link,

    I know how frustrating it is to not have answers or full relief. I truly hope you get both soon. And hope this was somewhat helpful. Please know, you are not alone and you can reach out to us anytime you need. We are here for you, always <3 -Kimberli (advocate)

    1. I want to echo what Kimberli said and add that I had a similar story in that the pill never did anything to help my pain or other symptoms, and my blood work always came back fine. Even an ultrasound, which could see my large endometriomas, missed all of the other endo I had. Even an MRI didn't catch everything, including endo I had near my sacral nerve. I would also encourage you to check out Nancy's Nook in case that could help you find someone to see sooner, and this is a link external to Facebook, in case you aren't on there:

      Please keep us posted. Sending hugs! ~Katrina, Advocate

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