I’ve been going to doctor after doctor for two years trying to find the root of my abdominal pain and still have zero answers. The past year I’ve started getting random stabbing pains in my bladder, up to my belly button that usually only last a couple seconds but sometimes is so bad I can’t even move and if I do, the pain becomes 10x worse. It’s weird because this pain is so random, sometimes I’ll get it every day for a week and sometimes it’ll only happen once in two weeks. & In the past two years I’ve been having many GI issues like painful/trapped gas, pain while going #2 to where I can’t even push and just stop & bloating almost every day & just random stabbing pains.
Numerous Tests
I’ve gotten an MRI that came back mostly normal (just a small lesion on my liver), a colonoscopy that came back normal, a CT that was normal, many blood, stool and urine tests that always come back normal. The two ultrasounds were normal, besides the ovarian cyst they found both times but they said it was small enough to not cause any symptoms and said it’ll clear up on its own.
Before I get a lap, has anyone else had these GI symptoms?
My GI specialist suggested seeing a urologist as my next step and also mentioned endometriosis could be the cause of the pain but at that point I thought my pain had to do with my GI tract. The midwife I saw (on accident, I thought she was an OBGYN) said that the only way to know for sure was to do a laparoscopy but I’d want to be sure before I did it. Has anyone else had these kind of symptoms that related to endometriosis? I’ve read that it can cause bladder and bowel problems but I also do not have super heavy or painful periods so I’m so torn on what to do next & if I should just schedule an appointment with an OBGYN and get the laparoscopy done.