I'm trying to find any specialists that you guys have seen and that have really helped you. I have an appointment with Mayo Clinic, but I'm worried and would like a backup plan. Thank you in advance!!!
Kimberli Davino Member
Last Updated:
Hi nashstella2! Are you a member of Nancy's Nook on Facebook? She has a list of endometriosis specialists on there! You can search for them via your specific location or surrounding areas! That was how I found mine! Hoping this helps you 😀 -Kimberli (enodmetriosis.net team member)
maysw1 Member
Last Updated:
I am a little late to this question. But I have suffered with endo for the past 5 years and i found a doctor out in california named Dr. Cook he specializes in endometriosis specifically and has helped me so much. His website is https://www.vitalhealth.com/ i flew out there for surgery and he helped me so much. He has given me so many helpful things and so many tests he has had me do to see if some other things were going on as-well to get help for me. I have recommended him to 5 people and the 5 have all loved him and found so much help with him & his team