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Specialist in California ?

Hi everyone,
After 19 years I’ve finally been having non- excruciating periods now that I’ve had my first baby , although I understand this is only temporary. However , sexual intercourse with my husband is still something I dread due to the pain. I’m ready to undergo a drastic measure like surgery but I only want the best specialist to do this . Don’t want to have to do it twice . I’m not interested in alternative medicine practitioners, and ideally they would be located in CA. The reason I joined this site is to get recommendations . Please include your reasoning for why your recommendation is better than most. I would so appreciate it !

  1. Hello , I am so sorry you have been struggling with this disease. I am not based in California, but I am sure there must be some good doctors there, it’s just about finding the right lead. Have you tried taking a look at Nancy’s Nook on Facebook? It’s a wonderful resource for locating endometriosis specialists and a good place to ask for recommendations. Best of luck - Jessie (team member)

    1. Thankyou very much !

    2. Hi there ! Just wanted to reach out and see how you were doing. Have you been able to find a specialist? -Kimberli (Team Member)

  2. I have been dealing with endometriosis for 5 years now and I live in Iowa and I actually flew out to california for a doctor there that has seriously helped me so much his name is Dr Cook and I have recommended so many people to him that have flown out to him as-well that have been so satisfied. He specializes in specifically endometriosis his website is i hope this helps you because Dr Cook & his staff have helped me so much

    1. Thankyou so much . I really appreciate it .

    2. Thank you for sharing ! We are so happy to hear you have found a great doctor! I know that is so hard for so many people to find. Hope you are doing well! -Kimberli (Team Member)

  3. I found a list about 30 of endometriosis specialists and physical therapists in California.

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