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Results of Lap

I received my results from my lap, and on one of the result sections it mentions inactive pattern endometrium. Has anyone ever received this? Could someone explain it better to me in terms that could be understood. Thanks!

  1. hi there! Firstly, how have you been feeling since your lap? Hoping well! Second, I am not a medical professional so I would definitely discuss this finding with your doctor for sure, as they would know best. But, from my experience because I have looked this up before, I have found that inactive endometrium is something you see in postmenopausal women. I want to say it is considered normal. But as I said, I just saw this by researching. I am not 100% certain. So absolutely chat with your doctor! Sorry I couldn't be more help. <3 -Kimberli (advocate)

    1. I haven’t received this result, personally. But like Kimberli says, it can refer to someone who is post menopausal and doesn't have a menstrual cycle anymore. I am not a doctor. But a quick search shows that, more generally, it can mean that you don’t go through the normal cyclical changes associated with a cycle…so you’re not ovulating and having a period. This could happen for many reasons. It may be totally normal, but it’s definitely worth asking your doctor about. Often the results I get from medical tests sound scary, but my doctor always tells me if there’s something I need to worry about. - Keri ( team member)

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