Hi there. Just wanted to firstly say thank you so much for reaching out and being here in the community! Second, I am so sorry you are experiencing this. Any changes in our menstrual cycle can be so frustrating. I know I am not a medical professional, so I cannot give a definite answer, but it does sound like your hormones are most likely off track. It could be a number of different things causing this for sure. Have you spoke with your doctor yet? Or have a doctor you can reach out to? I know for these last few months; my period has been off as well. Between being late or coming early, or not at all. And the post and pre symptoms are both just intensified. For a while after I had the Covid vaccine, I didn't see any changes, but now I am wondering if that had anything to do with this change. I was also very sick last month, never tested positive for Covid, but I have also been off since then too. So it truly can be Covid of some sort messing with everything. I wish I had more answers and advice but wanted to let you know you are not alone, and I am definitely experiencing some not so normal periods myself <3 I do hope others have better answers or at least you are able to talk with a doctor and they can help you! Sending hugs. Please, reach out anytime you need. Here to chat. -Kimberli (team member)