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Endo Pain rant

I was just talking to my husband about the thread I started where I joked about being able to withstand torture.

This got us to talking about how when we endure agony a lot, we grow accustom to it. How it's infuriating when we are then told those pains are all in our head by a doctor.

I said how this isn't like phantom limb pain where in a sense it is all in your head, this is different. My husband chimed in how it's ridiculous that phantom limb pain can be seen as a real thing to doctors but Endometriosis pain isn't. When you are told literal tissue being torn inside your body is "in your head." you want to smack that doctor and when they respond to the pain say "it's all in your head". Ok, I would never hit a doctor but this is a rant.

I mean really, is it any wonder that 1-4 with Endo commit suicide? With more than 200+M globally, that's way too many suicides.

End rant.

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