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Long period?

Hi all, I’ve not been diagnosed but have enough of the symptoms to suspect, am currently awaiting investigation but I wondered if anyone was in the same boat as me?
For the last few months I’ve been experiencing very heavy, long periods. My current one is upto 30 days long… shows no sign of stopping yet and I’m
Wondering if one period can just roll into the other.
I’m wearing maxi period pants day and night and frankly just sick of bleeding now. The lower back pain is so intense.

Any tips or advice on how I can stop this bleeding or is it quite common to bleed for a long time with endo?
I have severe anxiety and I’m beyond exhausted worrying about it.
I’m taking iron tablets daily as my levels are low.

Thanks for listening
Ames xx

  1. firstly, just wanted to say thank you for being here and for your comment. Second, I am so sorry you are experiencing this. It is certainly exhausting and so frustrating. I was in your SAME boat before. It's really hard to say 100% what is causing it and what you can do to make the bleeding stop until you visit with your doctor. For me, endometriosis was somewhat of the culprit, but it also turned out I had fibroids, which can make you bleed like that. I was having almost month long bleeds, every month, with one week of a break in between, until I had surgery and they removed the fibroids. It hasn't been like that since! So that is definitely something you can try and bring up to your doctor, along with the endometriosis! Besides surgery, the only other thing I could think of that might help is birth control/hormones. For some, it does stop the bleeding. It never worked for me though. But I did want to throw that out there. Hang in there warrior. I hope you get answers and relief soon. We are here for you <3 -Kimberli (advocate)

    1. I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this. While I’ve never bled for 30 days straight, I did bleed for 14 days straight on a couple separate occasions. Eventually, it just stopped on its own and my cycle went back to normal. If you haven’t already, I’d suggest you reach out to your doctor to find out the cause of your bleeding. While irregular menstrual cycles are common with endo, it’s not normal to bleed for this long (endo or not). And like Kimberli said, something else like a fibroid could be to blame. Personally, I don’t know of any OTC methods that can stop bleeding. But your doctor may be able to offer you some options on how to mange it based on what’s causing it to happen in the first place. Wishing you well - Keri (patient leader)

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