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Healthcare providers in Seattle

Hello! I’m looking for a specialist who treats endometriosis in Seattle. Very frustrated with doctors who only prescribe birth control without listening to my concerns. I’m in pain and can’t seem to stop crying. Thank you for listening

  1. Hi . I hope someone hops in here with recommendations. I am glad you are advocating for yourself and looking for a doctor who will really listen. When I did a Google search for "endometriosis specialist in seattle," I came up with several practices, though some seem to specialize in hysterectomies while others focus on endo-related infertility. It can be very confusing. Have you tried calling some of the practices and talking to their office staffs? I find the office staff is usually informed and honest about whether their doctors will be a good fit. My daughter's best experience was with a female doctor in an adult pelvic health practice. Here is an article about finding and endo specialist that might also interest you: I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any luck and remember that we are here for you. Best of wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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