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Filing for disability

Endometriosis has taken over my life and has left me to apply for disability.

Endometriosis has disabled me and prevents me from being able to do the things I love, spending time with family, keeping me from working or being on my feet and is holding me back from dreams and goals

Has anyone had similar experiences?

  1. I'm so sorry you're in this position. I've been in a similar space before where I had to cut back significantly on work, and I haven't met my creative goals because I've been dealing with my health (I'm an aspiring author and have worked on a memoir and picture book manuscripts). It has also interfered with my relationships often. I have learned not to push myself too hard and to do what I can, when I can. Otherwise, I honor by body's need to rest. I have (mostly) settled into accepting that things will move more slowly for me in all areas of my life. Sending you hugs! ~Katrina, Advocate

    1. Oh my. I am so sorry that your endometriosis has gotten so bad! I had to file for disability in 2016 due to Endo and and a long list of other issues. It was a long fight and after going to my hearing I was approved in 2018. My biggest suggestion is to get a lawyer from the get go. Don’t try and file on your own. I did and got my denial letter in less then ten days. So there is no way they could have even read over everything. I got a liar after the denial and they were great and took care of everything. So if you can get a lawyer I would. Most don’t charge until you win. If you have any questions please let me know and I’ll help if I can. Sending big hugs.

      Amber ( team moderator)

      1. thank you for your feedback!! I did file with a lawyer from the beginning I will keep everyone posted❤️

    2. Also my health took away everything. My dating life, my career, and my dreams. When I got diagnosed I was in a semi healthy relationship, working as a charge nurse on a step down unit as an RN. And going back to school to get my masters in nursing education. But my health said “Nope that’s not in my plans!” But I also don’t have only Endo. I was diagnosed with Endo November 2011, interstitial cystitis in Jan of 2012, admitted to the hospital for a week with undiagnosable heart and lung issues, which led to the diagnosis of Lupus and fibromyalgia in the summer of 2012. I miss my Career so dang much. I would give my own arm to be able to go back to nursing. I do work from home part time and it gives me extra money and a purpose. I’ll be praying that you can find something to pour yourself into. Big hugs!

      Amber ( team moderator)

      1. I am going through the exact same situation! My endometriosis is Stage 4 and I also have Graves Disease.I applied for disability in 2021 and unfortunately I am still going through the process of trying to get approved. I have been dealing with many people that can’t pronounce Endometriosis let alone understand the struggles of having it so it feels good to know I’m not alone. I am sending good thoughts your way and hope all goes well.

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