Hello! I’m 21 years old. For the last three months I have had excruciating right sided pelvic pain, I did all of the right things... I got a CT, which showed a 3cm ovarian cyst, and then had a ultrasound a month later, showing the cyst had grown to 4cm (my ovary is 3cm). The doctor told me the cyst was simple, with “low level echoes” meaning there were traces of blood in it.
My other symptoms include - swollen breasts, extreme bloating, pain during sex, pain going to the bathroom, extreme exhaustion, nausea pain... lots and lots of it.
When talking to an OBGYN doctor about my symptoms he told me I should see a counselor, because of how tired I am, and that I probably have IBS. (I’ve never had any issues before) As I started doing research, I realized I have a lot of symptoms of Endometriosis, and that my mom did as well, (she’s had ablation surgeries, as well as infertility issues when she was younger)
I am going to see another GYN in my town for a second opinion.. I am sick of taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol like clockwork...has anyone had similar situations? I hate having to explain myself to doctors who only want to prescribe pills instead of addressing the issue!
Thank you in advance!