Hi , seconding what Kimberli mentioned, I'm also sorry you are going through that. My heart is going out to you especially since your doctor is having difficulty pinpointing what it could be. I agree with that diet could play a part in that for sure. Just like when you eat asparagus or other foods, it can make your urine smell much stronger, other foods can have the same effect on your body as well. Might be worth looking into as well as changing up the clothes or undergarments you are wearing to be more breathable if you haven't already. It might also be worth going for a second opinion if you feel like your doctor has exhausted their testing. In any event, no matter what, you have our support here and I am sending out all the best vibes your way to get some answers. I'm really glad you reached out and I'm really glad you're here with us in this community. Keep us posted on everything please! 💛 Warmly, Kayleigh, Endometriosis.net team