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Hi ladies I'm new to the,group after suffering for years,I finally got diagnosed 2 weeks,ago after needing surgery to remove a 4cm endemetroma. I was wondering if anyone experiences excruciating pain when stood in the,same position. I go weekly to watch my son play football and the pain is just unbearable, I also get it if im sat on the floor for to long. Is there,any thing I can do to help the pain? I'm seeing the consultant in January to discuss things further but feel so alone I thought I'd join this group.

  1. Welcome to the community, . A new diagnosis can be overwhelming, so I'm glad you found us. Is your pain new since the surgery or have you experienced it all along? I hope you get some input from others in this community, but here is an article that might help you feel a bit less alone while you wait: The author also deals with pain while standing. Also, here is a forum post from another member who experienced similar pain: Can you bring a camping chair to your son's games for now so you can occasionally take breaks from standing? I hope this helps and that your doctor is able to provide some relief. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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