Hello. I was wondering if my symptoms sound like endometriosis. I’ll try to be as brief as possible. For almost two years, I have been having episodes of pelvic pain that I believed were ovarian cysts. There would be a lot of pressure and pain followed by a rupturing sensation that would soon be accompanied by a lot of leg and shoulder pain. The doctors said I likely had PCOS, and I accepted that for a while. However, I also started to notice a strange stinging sensation during my periods with a fair amount of leg and even foot pain. I’ve read the foot pain can happen with endo, so the suspicion was always in the back of my mind. Things took a really scary turn about a month ago. For weeks, I had been having a lot of pelvic pain and pressure almost constantly. Then I started getting very dizzy and having heart palpitations. I also began having severe reflux and constipation. Finally, I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart racing and ended up going to the hospital. My heart rate was around 130, and I had a fever of 100 degrees. They couldn’t find much wrong and sent me home with antibiotics though no infection was actually found. I started bleeding that day and I have never experienced a period as bad as this was. The pain was definitely not cramps. It was a terrifying stinging sensation in my abdomen, back, legs, and feet. I had a lot of dizziness and shaking during the bleeding episode and had to go back to the hospital because of the heart palpitations again. In addition to all of this, I felt like I was getting extremely dehydrated due to excessive urination and I had a headache that was so bad I thought it must be some sort of migraine. Since this episode, I’ve started taking progesterone to try to get the situation under control, but there has still been a lot of pain so far. Any insight/advice would be appreciated.