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Doctor or endocrinologist recommendation?

Hello, Endo community!

Has anyone worked with a good doctor or endocrinologist? I am looking to switch, and would love to work with someone with experience in endo and PCOS. I'm happy to meet virtually, and live in Washington State.

  1. Hello! We're glad that you're here. I hope someone who lives in or near Washington will also chime in, but I want to also recommend the Nancy's Nook doctor finding tool.

    I also know that my old gynecologist, who I loved, said that Dr. Cindy Mosbrucker is good, and she's in Washington state. Good luck! ~Katrina, Advocate

    1. Awesome! Thanks so much, Katrina!

      1. hi there! I just wanted to stop by and see if you were ever able to find a doctor!? Hoping you have and that you are feeling well! xox -Kimberli (advocate)

    2. Thank you, Kimberli! Yes—I am working with Dr. Jennifer Mercado in Seattle. So far, so good. Although, I got labwork done a month ago, and she's booked out till May! Hopefully there's an opening on her calendar soon to discuss the results...

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