, I wish I could hug you. I know the feeling when you are just starting the process of trying to figure out what is going on, and getting a diagnosis.
So many doctors and even others can make you feel like it is in your head and that we are making up these symptoms and pains. Please know though, it is not. If you feel something is wrong with your body, then you fight to be listened to.
For me, symptoms didn't really start when I first got my period. I had heavy periods and pain but it never really occurred something was wrong. I lived a pretty normal childhood, playing sports and being active. It was actually in my late 20's where I started seeing these weird symptoms. Sex became super painful, I was bleeding all month with only a few breaks, so much nausea and vomiting, horrible mood swings, dizzy spells, aches all over my body, bloat, constipation/diarrhea. It was then I knew something was off.
I must have seen a handful of different doctors, all which ended up telling me the same thing, I was healthy and they were stumped. Unfortunately, endometriosis is typically not seen on scans or in blood work, so every time those came back crystal clear, it was so aggravating. They were missing something and I knew it.
I finally found a gyno that would perform surgery. It was ablation surgery (which is actually the worst kind to get) but at the point I did not care, I just wanted answers. I had that same fear as you, going in, what happens if they do not find anything, then what? But after I woke from surgery the doctor was right there telling me, yep you have endo.
At that point it was the best news I have ever heard! Confirmed I was not crazy. But because that surgery was not done with a specialist, a few months later my symptoms returned. This was all 2017. Fast forward to last December, I had excision surgery (that is the gold standard for endo) with an endo specialist, and he ended up finding way more than my previous doctor.
So so far, 2 surgeries, birth control (to help control my cysts), and change of diet have been how I have been managing. I am certainly not better. But I am working on it.
Please know you are not alone and you are not crazy. We are the only ones that know our bodies and when they are feeling off. And if you think yours is off, there is a pretty good chance then something is going on. I know it is stressful not knowing how long the process will take, but just keep pushing and it will happen. Reach out anytime. I know it is so nice to be able to chat with others who understand what I am dealing with. Hugs and good thoughts being sent your way. Certainly keep us posted to on how everything goes <3 -Kimberli (Team Member)