I’ve had ovarian cysts for years and super heavy periods. Every doctor I went to just blew me off and said that cysts were normal. Until January of this past year when my ultrasound showed I had 4 4cm endometriomas. My ovary was the size of a grapefruit and needed to be removed. I acknowledged this and had my ovary removed at the end of January. I knew I was getting married in July of this year and didn’t want to accidentally get pregnant before my wedding day. I had my IUD removed the day after my wedding at the beginning of July. We’ve only been trying to conceive for three months. But I bought the Mira device so I would have as much data as possible if there was a presumed issue with my fertility. My LH has been super low. My normal regularly heavy period was just spotting last month. I’ve had pain in my only remaining ovary. Tried to talk to my normal gyno about my concerns and the fact that I desired a hormone panel to make sure my pituitary gland was fine and to reassure me that I didn’t already have something wrong with my fertility. He refused and told me we needed more data and that if we’re going to run those tests it’ll be in January. Even though he doesn’t believe I ovulated last month at all. I know my body and I know something is wrong. I want to see a reproductive endocrinologist but not one will see me until I’ve been trying to conceive for a year. My worry is that my other ovary is going to crap and no one will do a basic blood panel or even an ultrasound to make sure I’m okay. Am I over reacting? Do I need to chill out? How can I find someone to help me? I’m grateful in advance for any information or advice !