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This Is My Life

So I have struggled with the pain of Endometriosis from the moment I started my first period. It wasn't the typical period I was told I would have. Mine was blood clots and bring you to your knees cramps.

No one listened

I tried for years to get someone to listen to me, of course, they wouldn't listen so I spent so long in pain. That affected me more than just the one week of my period, I also had the pleasure of getting back pain and bowel issues 'if you know, then you know' and LOTS of pain during ovulation and sex. I missed out on tons of school and after-school activities and have also lost jobs because I became a liability over passing out in my vomit while on my period during practices and such.

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The surgery only helped a small amount

Not only did I get all these wonderful gifts, I had the joy of difficulty having children. I tried for 6 long years with my significant other before I had an amazing gynecologist who finally listened to me, he did the surgery to 'clean out' the endometriosis and we were FINALLY able to get pregnant with our baby 7 months later, but the surgery that I got only helped for a small moment.

Trying to find a new doctor

Now I'm back to the same thing as before, and the only gynecologist close to me who knew even a small bit about endometriosis has retired so I'm on the search yet again for someone who can help me try to get the pain under control. So yea this is my story.

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