Diagnosed at a young age

Diagnosed at a young age, and after 30 years, I finally found a happy Medium. When I was 17/18, my gynecological surgeon lamented that he couldn't do a full hysterectomy on me, so we could get all of that "junk" out of there. Seven surgeries, a lot of nerve damage, and a lifetime later, I have finally found a healthcare provider who understands that endometriosis is an autoimmune condition, which requires a personalized and holistic management plan. I manage my symptoms proactively, instead of just having surgery every time they get bad, with a course of exercise, diet, therapy, and medications. I consider my story, even after all the heartache and pain, a success story. If you have daughters, wives, sisters or mothers who are experiencing any of the symptoms of endo, PLEASE encourage them to get help, get second opinions, and educate themselves BEFORE making a decision about treatment.

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