Endo & Sex: An Advocate's TipsSex can be a minefield in the best of circumstances, but when you have endometriosis, it almost seems impossible to be able to derive any pleasure from it. So, what...Bookmark for later
Let's Talk Self-PleasureSelf-pleasure is a great way to relieve some endometriosis pain, particularly cramps during your period. Having an orgasm releases endorphins...Bookmark for later
Things I Hate About (My Partner) Having EndoAn advocate discusses the challenges of endometriosis that he and his partner experience, and the steps they've taken to minimize...Bookmark for later
7 Ways To Fix Painful SexFor many patients, endometriosis can create stress in a relationship, especially when it comes to sex and intimacy. One of the most common symptoms of endometriosis is pain with sex,...Bookmark for later
My Sex DiaryAn advocate shares her methods for making sex more enjoyable and comfortable, and what to do if you've tried everything...Bookmark for later
Dating & EndometriosisRomantic partners, especially guys, can be skittish when it comes to talking about a host of woman’s health concerns, but especially our periods. There are several diamonds in the rough...Bookmark for later
My Experience of Painful Sex and EndometriosisI was recently interviewed for a podcast about my experience of painful sex due to endometriosis. This wasn’t the first time I’d been interviewed for this subject; I’ve also talked...Bookmark for later