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Ray Li

Primary Badge Member

Ray Li's Status Updates

"Two important heart tests coming up. Friday is a 48hr holter monitor test & Monday is a CT of my coronary system. "

  1. Hey ! Goodness you have a lot going on these upcoming few days. How are you feeling today?? Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get some good news back. 💛💛💛

  2. A little bummed out that the holter monitor test was cancelled. IBS causing major pains today. Nervous about the CT test on Monday cause they have to slow my heart down. Two other heart tests have caused me to end up in the E.R so I'm worried this one will too. On the plus side these tests are done at the hospital so help is close at hand.

  3. Oh wow, , you are amazing to be holding it together with all the things you are dealing with. Too bad about the Holter being delayed, darn. It sounds totally normal to be nervous about the CT but as you said, at least you will be surrounded by medical support if it's needed. I hope this gets you the information you need to start feeing better. All my best! -Audrey (endometriosis.net team)

  4. Thank you so much. Learned early how to cope while juggling multiple spinning bulls, (I know the expression is plates but bulls sounds about right for being a spoonie).

  5. Spinning bulls DOES sound right--I can just picture the chaos. Right, our life challenges can teach us a lot of great skills, but WOW is it hard sometimes. Best to you! -Audrey

  6. Yes indeed our life challenges can teach us a lot of great skills. We may not always recognize it right away.

    I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for always commenting & being invested in me

  7. Thank YOU for always showing up authentically in this space. You are showing us all how it's done! -Audrey

  8. Aww thank you so much for that wonderful comment. For so much of my life, I wasn't able to be authentic so now I have fully embraced it in all aspects. I think it's super crucial as a spoonie.