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Jordan's Status Updates

"Heyy everybody. Today is better day I switched to the hormonal patch instead of the shot because of the pelvic pain and the bone pain. And I am a lot better accept the four bad cramp days but my Docter give me 600mg ibuprofen to take three times a day to help with the cramps. I still have not seen a specialist I asked my mom for my birthday if I can go see one hopefully I do. I never went back to the other Docter bc she did not know anything about endo I quizzed her I said around my period I have to pee a lot and it is starting to effect me off my period and she said I am not that type of docter but she clearly does not know about bladder endometriosis so I was like hecky no I am outtt😂😂never returned ✌🏾. But I just being using heating patches and gone vegeterain that helped with my stomach issues with meat but I love cheese and I know I have to stop eating it but it is so hard 😒.
How are y’all doing?"

  1. Thanks for updating us on how you're doing! And I'm glad to hear that you're doing better on the patch and with eating less meat and dairy. I will be thinking good thoughts that you'll be able to see a specialist soon! Things are ok on my symptoms mainly seem to be in remission at the moment. ~Katrina, Advocate

  2. Thank You