What Being An Endometriosis Health Coach Has Taught Me So Far

It feels like it’s been years, but soon I’ll be approaching my sixth month mark of starting my endometriosis health coaching practice. After two years studying women’s health coaching and another couple of months specializing in endometriosis and now SIBO, it’s been quite a journey.

At the core of my studies were the foundations of happy hormone health – great nutrition and hydration, quality sleep, gut healing, blood sugar balancing, and hormone friendly movement. Simple (but not always easy) changes to create the pillars of optimal wellbeing with endometriosis, that can often go over-looked in the place of supplements, super foods, and wellness trends.

And so, it’s been really interesting to see the reality of supporting my wonderful clients as they go on their journey to healing and seeing some of the key challenges they face, and how we can overcome them together...

We could all do with some extra self-love

Number one is this. I can’t tell you how many of my clients feel like they’re not doing something right or are ‘bad’ for eating this or that. Many of them have really high expectations of themselves and are mad with themselves for not reaching these, and often overlook how far they’ve come and all the changes they’ve already made.

I think the issue is, when it comes to setting goals, we really only count the big goals and the big achievements, but it’s the small steps, the mini-goals that will get us to the bigger changes we want to see. And if we’re not acknowledging those smaller wins, how can we keep up the motivation to get to the bigger ones?

My advice? Celebrate every single win. You drank a glass more water than you would normally drink? Celebrate it! You got to bed 30 minutes earlier? Congratulate yourself!

Most of us aren’t drinking enough water

Many of the people I speak to in my private FB group, over on IG or in my practice don’t know how much water they should be drinking or struggle to get enough in.

Dehydration causes symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and brain fog – symptoms we can put down to endometriosis and wrongly believe we can’t do anything about.

But truly, I get a lot of feedback from people telling me that when they upped their water they started feeling so much more energized! To learn more about how much you should be drinking and why it matters, listen to my podcast episode here.

We need to eat more veggies

As you probably know, many of us with endometriosis struggle with inflammation and low energy, not to mention a host of other symptoms.

But what I’m noticing time and time again is many of us aren’t eating much in the way of veggies, and as a result, we’re just not getting what we need to function optimally and we’re developing deficiencies too. On top of that, vegetables lower inflammation, so adding more in can really help lower pain levels.

Blood sugar is queen

Modern society really doesn’t acknowledge blood sugar until it’s too late and we develop diabetes, but it’s having good blood sugar levels is important for all of us – especially for people with periods and endo.

Dysregulated blood sugar leads to low progesterone, higher levels of inflammation, and excess estrogen – all scenarios that can worsen symptoms of endometriosis.

Many of the clients I support have blood sugar swings throughout the day, which affects their energy levels, and they begin to feel so much more stable once they start eating for blood sugar balance!

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