My Netflix Remedy

I remember sitting in my therapist’s office, talking about the anxious feelings I would experience when I sat down to watch TV or a movie. Why couldn't I just be normal? I actually craved the idea of being a couch potato. Instead, it made me more anxious to think about all the things that I could be doing instead to be productive. More often than not, I would get up and start crossing items off my to-do list.

Bodies need rest

But I realized that there was no way around it: My body needed rest. I had to sit through it. I started watching the show, The Office, because every episode always captured my attention and it wasn’t the length of a movie, so it felt more manageable.

It sounds so absurd to some people who struggle with the complete opposite end of the spectrum – they need motivation to turn the TV off and move their body. But this was my reality, and I have a feeling I’m not the only one who gets anxious at the idea of relaxing. Thankfully, my body started to let go, giving into the relaxation. With that, my threshold for time on the couch grew.

Now, I can share so many recommendations of great series I watched on Netflix and Amazon Prime – hello Mrs. Maisel, Jack Ryan, Ozark, This is Us... the list goes on.

The value of relaxation

I wouldn’t say that I’m a couch potato now, but I certainly have found comfort in relaxing and not having to be “productive” all the time. Relaxation is an incredibly important component to our healing journey. Wellness is not just food and/or exercise; It’s about relaxation, personal connection, and spiritual connection. I frequently like to check in with these areas in my life to see if I’m addressing each area. Often times, one area will be going strong while another area may be getting overlooked, but that’s okay.

Bringing your awareness to it is incredibly powerful. With that awareness, you have the opportunity to make a change. Maybe it’s just me, but I personally don’t believe that we are meant to achieve or maintain a perfect balance of everything in life.

There are times when health, work, or family will require more attention, and then it will shift to another area. So, it’s not to suggest that we need to have a perfect balance, but it is important to realize that an area is not getting fully neglected.

Practicing mindfulness

My current area of focus is mindset. Because I’m able to relax a bit easier now, I’m trying to take that next step of focusing on my mindset. I don’t have a specific path laid out for it, but I know there are many things I can explore:

  • Meditation
  • Affirmations
  • Gratitude
  • Journaling
  • Prayer
  • Vision boards, etc.

It feels like a fun exploration though to continually take one step at a time in my healing journey. That in and of itself it helpful in removing an expectation that I’m supposed to have it all figured out and perfectly implemented every single day. Let’s be easy on ourselves, don’t you think?

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