How We Survived New Year's Eve and How You Can Too

Jessica has endometriosis, and Chris is her partner. Together, they find ways to manage the condition and support each other through its challenges. Here they reflect on how they celebrated the new year and offer tips and advice on how to celebrate in an endo-friendly way.

What tips do you have for couples wanting to spend next New Year’s Eve together, but also want to be mindful of endometriosis?

From Jessica: Think outside the box. New Year’s Eve doesn’t have to be spent in a pub drinking and partying! You could invite friends over for food, and of course, there can be some drink, but perhaps it’s more low key and not intended to end up in a party. Maybe friends can come over first for dinner, before heading to parties, that way you get to see them but you can continue the night together in a calmer way.

There are also so many interesting activities popping up these days. You could go to a cinema experience – there are loads of sing-along, fancy dress and other fun cinema events. Or you could do a film marathon of your favorite film series with friends at home. If you want to do something a little more spiritual, you could go to a yoga workshop, meditation class or New Year’s Eve workshop together. Literally, the possibilities are endless – get onto some websites like Design My Night, The Londonist, etc. and see what strange and wonderful ideas there are out there!

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From Chris: Turn your limitations into opportunities. If you're aren't staying up because you're fatigued, or aren't going out because alcohol gives you endo pain, use the evening to plan for the year ahead.

Set some goals that you'll tackle next year (perhaps directly related to how you're working with endo), reflect on what went well and what your grateful for this year, and pat yourselves on the back for all you've accomplished.

It can be hard to find time to stop and be together, take that time in the last few hours of the year.

Do you plan for the year ahead together and how do you do this when taking into account endometriosis?

From Jessica: Yes and no. I am super big on planning and goal setting, and I like to go through it all and map out my actions before the new year hits. In previous years, I tended to focus only on planning ahead and not reflecting on lessons learnt, but this year I dug deep into that, especially when it came to my health.

I like to put aside an afternoon, or even a day to really think about what I want for the year ahead and how I can create realistic steps towards that. One of the things I struggle with is setting huge goals that aren’t always compatible with some of the health challenges I have. I’m still trying to learn how to create a goal that’s challenging and stretches me, but doesn’t cripple me.

I think it’s so important to have separate lives and goals, but also to make joint decisions about where you’re going as a couple in the future. These discussions are so essential, especially if you’re battling end.

From Chris: I'm much less of a planner than Jess, but I still like to reflect on the year and set some goals going forward. I also like to know Jess'goals so I can see how I fit in to them and what I can do to help.

Having endometriosis can really put people at a disadvantage when trying to achieve their dreams, but a great way to tackle that is with a clear vision of your goals and next steps. Sharing it with your partner means you're on the same page and have an advocate to help you succeed.

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