Knowledge Is Only Potential Power

We have all heard the line that “knowledge is power”. As someone who is passionate about learning, I’ve always loved this line. So, I was surprised when I recently heard motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, disagree with the statement. He flat out says...

“Knowledge isn’t power. Knowledge is only potential power. Action is power.”

Mic drop. Wow, that’s truly takes it to the next step.

It’s true, knowledge alone isn’t power. One needs to put that knowledge into action for it to be power. It made me sit back and wonder, "What knowledge do I have that I have not yet put into action?"

Putting endometriosis knowledge into action

In the context of my health, I have a lot of knowledge about nutrition that I have put into action. I know what foods to eliminate and what foods to eat to reduce inflammation in my body and help to reduce or eliminate pain in my body.

However, I know that tracking my cycle is something that is incredibly important for not only better understanding my body but also in the context of maximizing fertility, it’s a must. I certainly haven’t maxed out my knowledge is this area – far from it, actually. I’ve just scratched the surface, but I do need to put my current knowledge into action and build upon it from there.

How can you better manage your endo?

I invite you to do the same reflection.Is there knowledge you have about your health that you have not put into action?

Maybe it’s a food that you know doesn’t agree with your body, but you can kind of get away with continuing to eat it, so you haven’t yet fully eliminated it. Maybe you know that your body feels so much better when you get to bed by 10pm so you get a full night's sleep.

Maybe you know exercise is something that can help to improve your health on many levels, that you haven’t struck the right balance with exercise yet – sometimes we need a little extra push to move our body, while other times we need a reminder to not push beyond our body’s ability that day.

Getting started

But take a moment to ask yourself: "What knowledge needs to be put in action?". And perhaps it’s helpful to take a moment to explore what’s holding you back from taking that action?

If taking action feels too overwhelming, break that task down to something so small that it’s actually easy to do. Just do something to take action today. Even the smallest of steps can help you gain momentum that over time, you soon realizing your crushing that goal you never thought was possible.

Okay, so let’s share! What’s knowledge can you start putting into action? Share below so we can not only cheer you on, but we can also realize that we are not in this healing journey alone. We are all in this together!

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