Why I’m Ready To Take My Health Journey To The Next Level

I’ve made a big decision. You might remember that I recently wrote about how I wanted to seek therapy, but couldn’t afford the private prices. The challenge still continues, but I think I’ve found some sort of solution.

Furthering my education

I have some money set aside to pay for the next part of my integrative women’s health coaching certificate. I’ll still qualify after this course, but my aim is to specialize in endometriosis; and this add-on course will give me that option. However, unless something else drastic comes up that the money is required for, I’ve decided to use it for my health, rather than my education. It was an incredibly tough decision, especially as it was gifted to me by my mum who wanted me to use it for education - but here’s why I made it...

My health journey

In the past two years, I’d gotten to a place where I was having essentially pain-free periods, but I wasn’t symptom-free. If I didn’t keep 100% on top of things, I’d have really terrible PMS, and I found that my insomnia still plagued me and was adding to my already fatigued brain. I had created a great way of focusing at work, through biohacking using nootropics and a brain-focusing music app, but my brain didn’t naturally feel alive, energized, or active. It took me a long time to get clear-headed in the mornings and no matter how much sleep I had, I still struggled to wake up. I still had digestive issues, and my bladder symptoms were worsening.

I felt like I was missing a big part of the puzzle: Pain during my periods was only one part of my healing journey and I had reached a plateau.

Cognitive struggles

As I’ve continued with my studies, I’ve really observed the effects of these symptoms on my ability to approach my course with energy, enthusiasm, and concentration. Even though I’ve loved everything I’m learning, it’s been one long hard slog that seems to have had a detrimental affect on my health. On top of that, I can’t manage all the balls I have to juggle and need to juggle to grow my business. Parts of my life, parts of my livelihood are falling away, because my body can’t cope with the combination of studies and a job.

Now I’m not saying it’s easy for anyone to do this, but it’s a lot harder for me, and I need to know that as I grow my business and as I continue to learn and seek new courses to expand my knowledge, that I’ll be capable of doing so. That I won’t crumble into a heap of ill health at the end of every day.

How I'm taking care of myself

Part of this is through seeking a therapist to help me unlearn my workaholic, burnout tendencies, but the other part is working with a nutritionist to get accurate insights on the state of my hormones, gut and bladder, and the final component is working with a pelvic floor physiotherapist to support me in correcting the tight pelvic floor that’s causing me pain and dysfunction.

Without addressing these, I don’t see how I can even begin to move forward with the next course in my education. I don’t see how I can even work with patients when I don’t have the energy to support them. If I go on at this rate, I’ll be so burned out that I’ll need extensive time away from work and studies anyway. So, I’ve made the sacrifice and I’m doing the research. The next stage in my healthy journey is about to begin.

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