Infographic: Pain Management Treatment and CareIn September of 2019, Health Union (the parent company of partnered with the US Pain Foundation for our first ever Chronic Pain In America survey to ask members of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Speaking Our Truth: Results from the Third Annual Endometriosis In America Survey1 in 10 women are affected by endometriosis worldwide. Every year, we conduct the Endometriosis In America survey to learn more about this challenging condition, and how it impacts daily...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Pain is Common & Constant: The Impact on Quality of LifeIn September of 2019, Health Union (the parent company of partnered with the US Pain Foundation for our first ever Chronic Pain In America survey to ask members of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Realities of Life with Endometriosis: Results from the 2019 Endometriosis In America SurveyEndometriosis is not “just bad periods”, it’s so much more. A condition that impacts 1 in 10 women, endometriosis can cause frequent and debilitating symptoms, often impacting daily life. To...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments