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Getting it right with Endo

*This survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone that participated.*
There are so many things that people get wrong about endometriosis. Let's set the record straight and help them get some things right about what life with endo is really like.

Please consider taking our short Endometriosis In America survey. It asks questions about what your endo symptoms have been like, the emotional toll it can take, and so much more.

Every endo voice helps! 💛

Endometriosis In America

  1. Too bad their survey excludes women from outside of the US. We all face the same issues... Oh well, another one.

    1. I'm really sorry that your location prohibited you from participating in the In America survey. It would be really cool if one day we had the capabilities to do a global study. I can't be the only person in the community that would be really interested in hearing how endo is treated and viewed in different parts of the world. We will definitely pass this message along if that's ok with you, jadelosingit. Until then, how have you been doing lately? 💛 Kayleigh, team

    2. I am so sorry you were not able to do this survey. Do hope one day we can expand things like this. 🙁 Hopefully soon!! But, how have you been doing and feeling dear warrior? -Kimberli (advocate)

  2. Sad I cannot log in with my country number. Africa.
    Thanks I have been enlightened by reading .. I was admitted for the same but going through all what has been shared here I got ways of taking care of myself

    1. Definitely stay connected to the community here, for resources and education. I too hope and believe offerings such as surveys will be expanded to include a wider reach.

    2. thank you for being so positive and supportive <3 do believe offerings and surveys like this will be expanded too. I know that is something they will work very hard on making happen when it is possible! Hugs. Hope you are having a good week. -Kimberli ( advocate)

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