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Adeno + endo - pencil poops, issues with orgasm and pelvic floor issues despite pilates

Hey there,

I have adenomyosis (so uterus is constantly 3 month pregnancy thickness) and mild endo (small spot on one ovary, uterus taped to rectum, both treated with op and later scans *seem* fine.
I do pilates and yoga at least 3-5 times a week, plus a bit of jogging, gym, weights, but mainly the pilates and yoga. I have been doing it for about 9 months, I am very bendy, I can do crunches and all the rest of the stomach workouts fine, which is a surprise as I think the endo is in my abdominals too. We do lots of pelvic floor stuff and I had my teacher and a specialist check and my pelvic floor muscles seem to work well, there is no weakness. But I have some kind of issue with the whole area which seems either muscular or inflammation based. Often, for no reason at all, my anus feels like the tightest of rings, my poop turns into pencil size, and most days, despite being pretty aroused, my stomach/PF muscles are so tense that they don't do that flutter thing properly - you tense your stomach and PF as you get excited and they are the things that give you the nice feeling. I get to that point and then there is either no sensation or the muscles just spasm actually painfully. And recently my clitoris won't always erect and last week it hurt to stroke it. All of this worsened when I sit for long periods. Also if I have just gone to urinate, I feel sick in the mornings and have to go multiple times and if I try to orgasm around that time, it's like the bladder discomfort or fullness won't let me. No doctors seem to be very concerned about me being unable to orgasm properly. Does anybody have anything like this, or any wisdom to share?

  1. Hi . I wish you had more support from your doctors. Unfortunately, your situation in all-too common for people who have invisible symptoms that are not lifethreatening. Doctors shrug and you are left feeling helpless. Advocating for yourself can be exhausting, but it can also be rewarding when you finally get the treatment you need and deserve. We are not medical experts, but it would seem your issues would at least warrant laparoscopy to determine whether you have new tissue growth that is causing adhesions. You might also consider seeing a gastroenterologist. Pencil-sized or narrow stool might mean you have polyps that need removing. Here is an article about medical gaslighting and what you can do if you experience it: I hope this helps and that you get answers and relief. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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