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Skye Scarbrough, Adv Dip Nut, Grad Dip Obesity, EDOC

Endometriosis Community Advocate Skye ScarbroughSkye was previously a health leader on

I am a mum, stepmum, passionate wholefood cook and nutritionist. I am Australian, but have been living in Santiago, Chile for the last decade. I speak English and Spanish. Through my studies I have experience in integrative, human and public health nutrition. I currently work in private practice, mainly with women.

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My practice focuses on preconception, infertility, pregnancy and post-natal nutrition and health support. It is through this work that I deal with women with various hormonal issues, including endometriosis. I have found that there are a lot of emotional, environmental and dietary issues that can influence the inflammation pathway and trigger or alleviate the symptoms associated with endometriosis.

I aim to support them with individualized treatment plans, as the one-size fits all approach does not work with people who suffer endometriosis. Whilst I do work with supplementation, my passion is if for wholefood based recipes for women to nourish their bodies. My recipes are varied, but also incorporate some of the TCM and ayurvedic food principles, especially with the women who see me when trying to conceive. I combine some of the evidence based nutrition practice with some more esoteric practice including meditation and mantra practices.
I also work in public health nutrition as a facilitator and nutrition educator for a Chilean NGO, Fundacion Comer Mejor.

In my never ending pursuit for knowledge I am currently enrolled in a graduate diploma of Obesity & Weight Management at the University of South Wales.

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