My Uterus and Endometriosis Ruined My Life

I am 40 & childless because of this insidious condition, devastated isn't the word l just can't seem to get over the childlessness. I have suffered since l was 11 from crippling pain & heavy flow and have been visiting varying GP's, hospitals & clinics since then. I only received my diagnosis at 38 & really not much could be done as l am stage 4. One round of IVF failed & given a 7.5% chance of it ever succeeding with a hefty price tag. Husband wants to "draw a line under it" but the compulsion in me to be a mother won't die off. I still have uncontrolled pain & symptoms & have been advised hysterectomy is the realistic next step, which to me seems so brutal. I am still trying different treatment methods with the latest being gabapentin which a week in isn't working & has uncomfortable side effects. Some days l don't see the point & yet l get up & carry on.... everyday l think why me...its soul-destroying

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