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Endometriosis and Methane SIBO

My daughter has IBS-C, slow transit and has tested for excessive methane. She has severe bloating and stomach distension.
I am going to get her tested for endometriosis. I wanted to know if any one about the bloating that comes with endometriosis? Her bloating never goes away it’s there all the time?

  1. I have constant bloating that fluctuates in its intensity, but its always there. I have stage four endo. I'm not saying that your daughter also has stage four, but I think that this can be a red flag for endo. Here are some articles about bloating:

    ~Katrina, Advocate

    1. Thanks for your reply
      Have you had surgery?

      1. Yes, I've had four surgeries, two excision and two ablation, over the course of a decade. ~Katrina, Advocate

    2. I’m sorry to hear your daughter is having bowel issues. Those can be some of the worst symptoms to deal with on a daily basis. I will say that bloating and distention can be a big red flag for endo or cysts, especially if the bloating never goes away, but it doesn’t necessarily mean there is endo on the bowels. But it’s worth talking to a doctor about bowel endometriosis, especially if your daughter has pain or blood in her poop.

      Also, if your daughter tested positive for SIBO, I hope that means she’s working with a GI doctor to treat that issue. I know there are special antibiotics that can help. Second, I’d suggest working with a dietitian who treats people with SIBO or functional digestive disorders, like IBS. They can be a big help in identifying foods that worsen the bloating and may help ease constipation, at least they have been for me.

      While I can’t diagnose your daughter, I can tell you what’s helped with my IBS-C and bloating. I’ve had 3 surgeries for endometriosis, but none have been very helpful with digestion. (Though, removing cysts from my ovaries did help with nausea and vomiting). The biggest help for my bowel movements and bloating has been going vegan, gluten-free, and following the low-FODMAP diet. I realized lots of healthy foods were triggering my distention on a daily basis, and this was pretty hard to figure out at first. But now that I’ve fine tuned my diet, with the help of a GI doctor and dietitian, I mostly only get distended within the 5-7 day window before my period or when I eat a problem food. That’s not ideal, but it’s better than ALL the time. And I hardly every get constipated anymore.

      And, about a month ago, I added 1-2 kiwi a day. Research shows that 2 kiwi fruits a day can be helpful for people with IBS-C who have transit issues and bloating. They certainly seem to have made my poop softer and easier to pass.

      Here are some stories that may be helpful: ; ;

      Wishing you and your daughter well! - Keri (team member)

      1. I also have severe bloating and stomach distension. I also have stage 4 endo. I thought I had IBS and initially went to a GI doctor for that. I didn't help and still had a lot of pain. Turned out my endo had spread to my small and large intestates and I hadn't been diagnosed for it yet.

        1. just wanted to say thank you for being here and sharing your experience with our community member dear warrior. I am so sorry you also deal with the severe bloating and stomach distension. It is exhausting to deal with for sure. My story is similar to yours as doctors kept saying it was IBS. I tried the diets, the medicines, nothing helped it though. I have yet to have a doctor diagnose endometriosis on my bowels during surgery, so I do think mine is more SIBO or some sort of other gut issue related. But there are still parts of me that really thinks doctors are missing the endometriosis. Even if it is just a tiny bit. How have you been feeling? Were you able to find relief once they realized you did indeed have endometriosis on your bowels? -Kimberli (team member)

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